最近 1, 2 年來, 媒體不斷醜化餐旅服務業的基層工資無法提升, 月薪一直盤旋在 22 K 打轉. 是這樣的嗎? 我不否認某一些餐廳的廚助, 甚至是服務生, 或是到飯店的房務員, 薪資應該很"平常", 因為這些工作是不怎麼需要"大學文憑"的. 他們可能只需要高中職以上即可. 但是為什麼淪落到大學生也要來參與這 22 K的行列, 這有幾個可能: 首先是有所謂大學生資格的人太多. 其次是來參與這 22 K 就業行列的大學生四年中沒學到學問和專業,學校教育失敗!
最近學校學期結束, 在某大學兼課打學期成績時, 赫然發現班上某大四同學, 期中考和期末考皆不及格, 再加上整學期有18週的課, 但有7次缺席記錄, 你說我要如何讓他過? 只因為是大四, 我就要讓他過? No Way! 若這種態度的大學生做 22 K 的工作, 我是不會同情他的!
再者, 日前收到一位經營美式連鎖餐廳的美國朋友來信如下:
"Hi Jeff...
You're connected in our industry, and we're looking for two more restaurant managers for XXXXX; one for front of house, a second for back of house. Both if selected would be sent to the USA for 3 1/2 months of training at XXXXX. Would you know any candidates we can talk with?
FOH manager would go through front and back station training then be assigned to a front department like bar, dining room, etc., but have full responsibility front and back. The BOH manager if successful could be assigned as Kitchen Manager and also go through complete back and front training when in the USA.
We will pay at or above the market, and have monthly bonus for managers based on sales and profits. Their salary during training and all U.S. training costs are paid for. We prefer four year degree in any field, some experience with independent or hotels, and willing to make a at least a two year commitment. This is a franchised concept, so we will follow all Corp recipes, so creative chef's may be frustrated with this management opportunity, but will appreciate the great international systems we follow.
It's a great opportunity for the right people. Let's us know if you have any referals... we'd like to hire them this month.
Thanks so much,"
我在班上分享這封信給同學, 我很慎重告訴同學, 不要再被媒體愚弄所謂的 22K, 你若有能力和實力, 懂得在四年大學經營自己, 看得懂這封信的大學生的你, 這不是 22K, 我們在談的是至少 40K, 而且公司付錢出國受訓! 不要說企業不給大學生機會, 機會一直都在, 但你從學校學到了"東西"嗎? 學校教的"東西"有和業界無縫接軌嗎? 打工生活有從中學習到經驗嗎? 有時我也不忍苛責同學, 因為台灣的餐旅教育有一半以上的學校已走火入魔了, 為了所謂的評鑑和教育系統八股的規定, 將活潑生動的餐旅教育弄成僵化的教學而不自知, 到頭來同學只能找 22 K 的工作是誰的錯? 學校也有責任吧!
餐旅業接下來在台灣只會更蓬勃更需要人才, 你是個人才嗎? 有興趣可以和我聯絡喔!