2015年2月9日 星期一

<企業管理經驗談> 10 則人生管理哲學 - 美國北卡大學男子籃球隊傳奇教頭 Dean Smith 的帶兵哲學

他教導無數後來的NBA球星,自1961-1997 36個球季,他不只教導子弟兵如何打球,贏球,還教導他們如何贏得人生,當然這包括ㄧ代偉大球星 - Michael Jordan. Dean Smith 上週六在家鄉以高齡83歲過逝,讓我們來一窺這一代偉大教頭每次賽前會議的帶兵哲學並向他致敬:

1. Stay humble, stay hungry.
"A lion never roars after a kill."
2. What's done is done.
"What to do with a mistake - recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it."
3. Give credit where credit is due.
"I do believe in praising that which deserves to be praised."
在對的時機給與讚賞. "我深信給那些需要讚賞的人及時的讚賞是有用的."
4. You've got to care to lead.
"The most important thing in good leadership is truly caring. The best leaders in any profession care about the people they lead, and the people who are being led know when the caring is genuine and when it's faked or not there at all."
5. Act with honor and integrity.
"Good people are happy when something good happens to someone else."
6. At the end of the day, it's just a game.
"If you make every game a life and death proposition, you're going to have problems. For one thing, you'll be dead a lot."
7. Surround yourself with winners.
"I would never recruit a player who yells at his teammates, disrespected his high school coach, or scores 33 points a game and his team goes 10-10."
8. Value what's most important.
"As soon as you try to describe a close friendship, it loses something."
9. Lead by example.
"A leader's job is to develop committed followers. Bad leaders destroy their followers' sense of commitment."
10. Never underestimate teamwork.
"Play hard. Play smart. Play together."


